Thursday 13 November 2014

Bourke Street Mall

Bourke Street Mall was filled with loud music, intriguing people and shops waiting for customers. We saw many buskers who either played guitar or sang, accordion players and dancers. Some buskers that weren't within Bourke Street Mall were Magicians, Trumpeteers, Chalk Artists and Statue Men or Women. 
One of the buskers were singing a medley of songs and played the guitar. Many people passed by and gave him coins for the entertainment he provided for the public. We reviewed him as a very soulful singer and player. His voice drifted through the street giving people the chance to stop and look at life and just enjoy the moment. He sold albums for $12 and it looked as though he enjoyed doing this as a job or hobby. He was wonderful as a player and person. 
Anyone could busk in the city only if you have a busking permit you could busk in Bourke Street. We all had a good time listening to the Buskers on Bourke Street Mall!

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